
Stock Allowances - Cast Iron Rounds (G2, 65-45-12, 80-55-06, 100-70-03, Ni-Resist)
Nominal Diameter Bar Size Gray (G2) 65-45-12 Ductile 80-55-06 Ductile 100-70-03 Ductile Ni-Resist Variation (+/-) All Grades
0.750 - 1.250" 0.085" 0.088" 0.088" 0.088" 0.088" 0.017"
1.251 - 2.000" 0.090" 0.095" 0.090" 0.090" 0.095" 0.024"
2.001 - 3.000" 0.110" 0.118" 0.113" 0.108" 0.118" 0.030"
3.001 - 3.250" 0.110" 0.136" 0.131" 0.126" 0.136" 0.038"
3.251 - 4.000" 0.125" 0.136" 0.131" 0.126" 0.136" 0.038"
4.001 - 4.500" 0.140" 0.154" 0.149" 0.144" 0.154" 0.048"
4.501 - 5.000" 0.140" 0.154" 0.144" 0.134" 0.154" 0.048"
5.001 - 6.000" 0.155" 0.172" 0.162" 0.152" 0.172" 0.055"
6.001 - 7.000" 0.170" 0.190" 0.180" 0.170" --- 0.062"
7.001 - 8.000" 0.190" 0.213" 0.203" 0.183" --- 0.085"
8.001 - 9.000" 0.216" 0.242" 0.232" 0.212" --- 0.108"
9.001 - 10.000" 0.254" 0.283" 0.273" 0.253" --- 0.129"
10.001 - 11.000" 0.400" 0.432" 0.422" --- --- 0.150"
11.001 - 16.000" 0.582" 0.623" 0.608" --- --- 0.206"
16.001 - 18.000" 0.762" 0.815" 0.795" --- --- 0.262"
18.001 - 20.000" 0.762" 0.819" 0.799" --- --- 0.262"
21.640 - 26.560" ** 0.980" 0.980" 0.980" --- --- ---
29.500" *** 0.250" 0.250" 0.250" --- --- ---
Round bars are made with sufficient stock on the outside diameter to guarantee clean-up at the nominal dimensions. Stock allowance is a function of the bar diameter. Example: 3.00” + 0.118” = 3.118” tolerance is +/- 0.030” Max size = 3.148 Min size = 3.088. A 3.000” bar is guaranteed to finish at 3.000”.
** - Min. Stock Allowance is 0.480", Max. Stock Allowance is 1.480"
*** - Turned OD Tolerance is +.080"/-0" and Finish Size is 0.250" below turned OD
Stock Allowances - Cast Iron Tubes (Gray, Ductile, or Ni-Resist)
Nominal O.D. Minimum Wall Thickness Total Minimum Wall Thickness
0.000" - 3.000" 0.562" 1.125"
3.001" - 6.000" 0.625" 1.250"
6.001" - 12.000" 0.687" 1.375"
12.001" - 16.000" 0.750" 1.500"
Example: 3.000" as-cast x 2.000" I.D.
Actual: 3.110" O.D. x 1.750" I.D.
Overall wall thickness 3.110" - 1.750" = 1.360"
Single wall thickness 1.360" / 2 = 0.680"
Wall thickness minimums are based on actual O.D. and I.D. A customer requiring a 3.00" O.D. x 2.00" I.D. tube will receive a tube which is 3.110" O.D. x 1.750" I.D.
Trepanned tubes are stocked in 72" lengths, but can be produced in longer lengths upon request. Tubes are typically stocked in grade G2 gray iron or 65-45-12 Ductile, but most stocked sizes and any grade of O.D. can be trepanned. Tubes are sold with clean-up stock on the inside and outside diameters. See rounds Stock Allowances for O.D. The concentricity tolerance between the I.D. and O.D. is 0.250".
Clean-Up Stock Allowances - Cast Iron Rectangles & Squares (65-45-12, 80-55-06, G2)
Height Ratio (Width:Height)
  0.000 - 1.999 2.000 - 2.999 3.000 - 4.999 5.000 - 7.999 8.000 & Up
0.750 - 1.500" 0.090" 0.100" 0.125" 0.188" 0.188"
1.501 - 2.500" 0.090" 0.100" 0.125" 0.188" 0.188"
2.501 - 4.000" 0.100" 0.188" 0.250" 0.250" --
4.001 - 6.000" 0.112" 0.188" 0.250" -- --
6.001 - 8.500" 0.125" 0.250" 0.250" -- --
8.501 - 11.500" 0.188" 0.250" -- -- --
11.501 - 13.999" 0.250" -- -- -- --
14.000 - 20.000" 0.500" -- -- -- --
Rectangles are made to the actual dimensions. Clean-up stock must be considered when ordering. Example: 8.00” x 21.00” will finish to 7.50” x 20.50”. Clean up stock per side is 0.250”. Minimum clean-up stock allowances are shown below.
Clean-Up Stock Allowances - Cast Iron Rectangles & Squares (65-45-12X, 80-55-06X)
Width Stock Removal Per Side
12.001 - 16.000" 0.370"
16.001 - 20.000" 0.450"
20.001 - 29.500" 0.500"
X Grades rectangles stock allowance is based on the width of the bar. Clean-up stock must be considered when ordering. Example: 20.0” x 25.60” max finish size is 19.0” x 24.6”.
Clean-Up Stock Allowances - Cast Iron Rectangles & Squares (GX)
Width Stock Removal Per Side
0.750 - 2.000" 0.100"
2.001 - 4.000" 0.140"
4.001 - 8.000" 0.180"
8.001 - 12.000" 0.260"
12.001 - 16.000" 0.300"
16.001 - 20.000" 0.370"
20.001 - 29.500" 0.450"
X Grades rectangles are based on the width of the bar. Clean-up stock must be considered when ordering. Example: 16.0” x 28.0” max finishsize is 15.10” x 27.10”.
Bend and Bow Tolerance
Bend and bow tolerance is 1/8" per 6-foot section.
Mechanical Properties
  Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D
Tensile Strength (min. PSI) 45,000 58,000 62,000 58,000
Yield Strength (min. PSI) 39,000 46,000 50,000 36,000
Elongation in 2 inch (min. %) 25* 23** 21*** 23**
* Applies to specified wall thicknesses (t) equal to or greater than 0.120".  For lighter specified wall thicknesses, the minimum elongation values shall be calculated by the formula: % elongation in 2" = 56t+17.5, rounded to the nearest percent.
** Applies to specified wall thicknesses (t) equal to or greater than 0.180".  For lighter specified wall thicknesses, the minimum elongation values shall be calculated by the formula: % elongation in 2" = 61t+12, rounded to the nearest percent.
*** Applies to specified wall thicknesses (t) equal to or greater than 0.120".  For lighter specified wall thicknesses, the minimum elongation values shall be by agreement with the manufacturer.

Typical Chemical Composition
Chemistry (%) ASTM A500
Grades A, B, & D Grade C
Heat Analysis Product Analysis Heat Analysis Product Analysis
Carbon* 0.26 Max 0.30 Max 0.23 Max 0.27 Max
Manganese* 1.35 Max 1.40 Max 1.35 Max 1.40 Max
Phosphorus 0.035 Max .045 Max 0.035 Max 0.045 Max
Sulphur 0.035 Max .045 Max 0.035 Max 0.045 Max
Copper** 0.20 Min 0.18 Min 0.20 Min 0.18 Min
* For each reduction of 0.01 percentage point below the specified maximum for carbon, an increase of 0.06 percentage point above the specified maximum for manganese is permitted, up to a maximum of 1.50% by heat analysis and 1.60% by product analysis.
**If copper-containing steel is specified in the purchase order
Largest Outside Dimension Across Flats (Inch) Tolerance for Outside Dimensions Including Convexity or Concavity Wall Thickness Tolerance
1 to 2-1/2 incl. Plus or minus 0.020″ Plus or minus 10%  (exclusive of weld area)
Over 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 incl. Plus or minus 0.025″ Plus or minus 10%  (exclusive of weld area)
Over 3-1/2 to 5-1/2 incl Plus or minus 0.030″ Plus or minus 10%  (exclusive of weld area)
Over 5-1/2 Plus or minus 1% Plus or minus 10%  (exclusive of weld area)
NOTE: The allowable variation in wall thickness does not apply at corners.  Tolerances include allowance for convexity or concavity.  For rectangular sections, the tolerance calculated for the larger flat dimension shall also apply to the smaller flat dimension.  This tolerance may be increased by 50 percent when applied to the smaller dimension if the ratio of cross-sectional dimensions is between 1.5 and 3, and 100 percent when the ratio exceeds 3.

Straightness Tolerance
1/8" times the number of feet of total length divided by 5
Squareness of Sides Tolerance
Adjacent sides of structural hollows may deviate from 90° by plus or minus two degrees maximum.
Maximum Twist Tolerance
Longer Outside Dimension (In.) Maximum Twist - Per 3 Feet of Length (in.)
1 to 1-1/2 incl. 0.050
Over 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 incl. 0.062
Over 2-1/2 to 4 incl. 0.075
Over 4 to 6 incl. 0.087
Over 6 to 8 incl. 0.100
Over 8 0.112
Twist is measured by holding down the edge of one end of a square or rectangular structural hollow on a surface plate with the bottom side of the tube parallel to the surface plate and noting the height that either corner on the opposite end of the bottom side is above the surface plate.
Permissible Variation - Mill Lengths
22 ft. and under  Plus 1/2" Minus 1/4"
Over 22 ft. to and incl. 44 ft. Plus 3/4" Minus 1/4"
Radius of Corners Tolerance
For square and rectangular structural tubing, the radius of each outside corner of the section shall not exceed three times the specified wall thickness.
Workability and Weldability
Can be subjected to most of the usual fabricating operations. Its ductility is good, bends well, flattens, cuts, punches, flares, and flanges easily. Can also be welded by commonly employed techniques and practices.
Mechanical Properties
  Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D
Tensile Strength (min. PSI) 45,000 58,000 62,000 58,000
Yield Strength (min. PSI) 33,000 42,000 46,000 36,000
Elongation in 2 inch (min. %) 25* 23** 21*** 23**
* Applies to specified wall thicknesses (t) equal to or greater than 0.120". For lighter specified wall thicknesses, the minimum elongation values shall be calculated by the formula: % elongation in 2" = 56t+17.5, rounded to the nearest percent.
** Applies to specified wall thicknesses (t) equal to or greater than 0.180". For lighter specified wall thicknesses, the minimum elongation values shall be calculated by the formula: % elongation in 2" = 61t+12, rounded to the nearest percent.
*** Applies to specified wall thicknesses (t) equal to or greater than 0.120". For lighter specified wall thicknesses, the minimum elongation values shall be by agreement with the manufacturer.

Typical Chemical Composition
Chemistry (%) ASTM A500
Grades A, B, & D Grade C
Heat Analysis Product Analysis Heat Analysis Product Analysis
Carbon* 0.26 Max 0.30 Max 0.23 Max 0.27 Max
Manganese* 1.35 Max 1.40 Max 1.35 Max 1.40 Max
Phosporus 0.035 Max .045 Max 0.035 Max 0.045 Max
Sulphur 0.035 Max .045 Max 0.035 Max 0.045 Max
Copper** 0.20 Min 0.18 Min 0.20 Min 0.18 Min
* For each reduction of 0.01 percentage point below the specified maximum for carbon, an increase of 0.06 percentage point above the specified maximum for manganese is permitted, up to a maximum of 1.50% by heat analysis and 1.60% by product analysis.
**If copper containing steel is specified in the purchase order
Straightness Tolerance
1/8" times the number of feet of total length divided by 5
Permissable Variation - Mill Lengths
22 ft. and under  Plus 0.50" Minus 0.25"
Over 22 ft. to and incl. 44 ft. Plus 0.75" Minus 0.25"
Outside Diameter Tolerances - A500 Pipe
1.900″ and smaller OD: ±0.50%
2.000 and larger OD: ±0.75%
The outside diameter measurements shall be made at positions at least 2" from either end of the pipe. 
Wall Thickness Tolerances - A500 Pipe
Chemical Composition - ASTM A53 Pipe
  Type S (Seamless) Type E (electric-resistance welded) Type F (furnace-welded pipe)
Grade A Grade B Grade A Grade B Grade A
Carbon max. % 0.25 0.3 0.25 0.3 0.3
Manganese % 0.95 1.2 0.95 1.2 1.2
Phosphorous, max. % 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Sulfur, max. % 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045
Copper, max.% 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Nickel, max. % 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Chromium, max. % 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Molybdenum, max. % 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Vanadium, max. % 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08

Tensile Requirements
  Seamless and Electric-resistance-welded Continuous-Welded
Grade A Grade B  
Tensile Strength, min., psi 48,000 60,000 45,000
Yield Strength, min., psi 30,000 35,000 25,000
Hot-Dipped Galvanizing
Sets standards for coating of pipe with zinc inside and outside by the hot-dipped process. Weight of coating must not average less than 1.8 oz. per square foot and not less than 1.6 oz. per square foot.
Permissible Variations in Wall Thickness
The minimum wall thickness at any point shall not be more than 12.5% under the nominal wall thickness specified.
Permissible Variations in Weights per Foot
Plus or minus 10%
Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter
Outside Diameter at any point shall not vary from standard specified more than:
For NPS 1 1/2 and Smaller Sizes For NPS 2 and Larger Sizes
+/- 1/64” +/- 1%
Testing Requirements for seamless and welded API 53 steel pipe
Hydrostatic Testing 
 Tests pressures for plain and threaded and coupled pipe are specified. Hydrostatic pressure shall be maintained for not less than 5 seconds for all sizes of seamless and ERW pipe.
Mechanical Testing
Flattening Test: On ERW for NPS 2 and larger, STD and XS wall (not required for XXS pipe)
Bending Test (cold): For NPS 2 and under, XS wall and under; for NPS 1-1/4 and under, XXS wall
Tensile Test: Transverse required on ERW for NPS 8 and large. Sending Test (Cold) — STD and XS-NPS 2 and under XXS-NPS 1 1/4 and under.
  Degree of Bend   Diameter of Mandrel
For normal A53 uses 90 12 x nom. diameter of pipe
For Close Coiling 180 8 x nom. diameter of pip
Number of Tests: Seamless and Electric Resistance Weld (ERW) – bending, flattening, tensile on one length of pipe from each lot of 500 lengths, or less, of each pipe size.
Standard Weight
Single Random  16 ft. to 22 ft.
Double Random Over 22 ft. to 44 ft. (minimum average for order 35 ft.)
Extra Strong and Double Extra Strong
Single Random  12 ft. to 22 ft. 
Double Random (XS & Lighter) Over 22 ft. to 44 ft. (minimum average for order 35 ft.)
Lengths longer than single random with wall thicknesses heavier than XS subject to negotiation.
Chemical Composition - ASTM A106 Pipe
  Grade A Grade B Grade C
Carbon (max. %) 0.25 0.3 0.35
Manganese (%) 0.27 to 0.93 0.29 to 1.06 0.29 to 1.06
Phosphorous (max. %) 0.035 0.035 0.035
Sulfur (max. %) 0.035 0.035 0.035
Silicon (min.%) 0.1 0.1 0.1
Chrome (max. %) 0.4 0.4 0.4
Copper (max. %) 0.4 0.4 0.4
Molybdenum (max. %) 0.15 0.15 0.15
Nickel (max. %) 0.4 0.4 0.4
Vanadium (max.%) 0.08 0.08 0.08
Total of Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, and V shall not exceed 1%

Tensile Requirements - ASTM A106 Pipe
  Grade A Grade B Grade C
Tensile Strength (min. psi) 48,000 60,000 70,000
Yield Strength (min. psi) 30,000 35,000 40,000
Permissible Variations in Wall Thickness
The minimum wall thickness at any point shall not be more than 12.5% under the nominal wall thickness specified.
Permissible Variations in Weights per Foot
Weight of any length shall not vary more than 10% over and 3.5% under that specified. NOTE — NPS 4 and smaller — weighed in lots. Larger sizes shall be weighed separately by length.
Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter
Outside Diameter at any point shall not vary from standard specified more than:
NPS Over
1/8 to 1-1/2 incl 1/64 (0.015) 1/64 (0.015)
Over 1-1/2 to 4 incl 1/32 (0.031) 1/32 (0.031)
Over 4 to 8 incl 1/16 (0.062) 1/32 (0.031)
Over 8 to 18 incl 3/32 (0.093) 1/32 (0.031)
Over 18 to 26 incl 1/8 (0.125) 1/32 (0.031)
Over 26 to 34 incl 5/32 (0.156) 1/32 (0.031)
Over 34 to 48 incl 3/16 (0.187) 1/32 (0.031)
Testing Requirements for seamless A106 steel pipe
Hydrostatic Testing 
Inspection test pressures produce a stress in the pipe wall equal to 60% of specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) at room temperature. Maximum Pressures are not to exceed 2500 psi for NPS3 and must stay under 2800 psi for the larger sizes. Pressure is maintained for not less than 5 seconds.
Mechanical Testing
Flattening Test: NPS 2-1/2 and larger
Bending Test (cold): NPS 2 and under.
Tensile Test: NPS 8 and larger — either transverse or longitudinal acceptable. Smaller than NPS 8 — weighed in lots. Larger sizes — by length
  Degree of Bend   Diameter of Mandrel
For normal A106 uses 90 12 x nom. diameter of pipe
For Close Coiling 180 8 x nom. diameter of pip
Number of Tests Required
  NPS On One Length from Each Lot of
Tensile 5 and smaller 400 or less
6 and larger 200 or less
Bending 2 and smaller 400 or less
Flattening 2 through 5 400 or less
6 and over 200 or less
Lengths required shall be specified on order. No “jointers” permitted unless otherwise specified. If no definite lengths required, following practice applies:
Single Random 17 ft. to 24 ft.
Double Random 36 ft. to 44 ft.
Diameter Tolerances For Hot Rolled Electric Weld Tubing (ASTM A513 Type 1 HREW)
Outside Diameter Range, In.a Wall Thickness Flash-in Tubingb,c Flash Controlled to 0.010 In. Max Tubingc,e Flash Controlled to 0.005 In. Max Tubingd,e
Bwgf In.a Outside Diameter
Plus and Minus
Outside Diameter
Plus and Minus
Outside Diameter
Plus and Minus
Inside Diameter
Plus and Minus
Tolerances, In.a,g
3/4 to 1-1/8, incl 16 to 10 0.065 to 0.134 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.020
Over 1-1/8 to 2, incl 16 to 14 0.065 to 0.083 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.021
Over 1-1/8 to 2, incl 13 to 7 0.095 to 0.180 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.025
Over 1-1/8 to 2, incl 6 to 5 0.203 to 0.220 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.029
Over 1-1/8 to 2, incl 4 to 3 0.238 to 0.259 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.039
Over 2 to 2-1/2, incl 16 to 14 0.065 to 0.083 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.022
Over 2 to 2-1/2, incl 13 to 5 0.095 to 0.220 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.024
Over 2 to 2-1/2, incl 4 to 3 0.238 to 0.259 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.040
Over 2-1/2 to 3, incl 16 to 14 0.065 to 0.083 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.024
Over 2-1/2 to 3, incl 13 to 5 0.095 to 0.220 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.026
Over 2-1/2 to 3, incl 4 to 3 0.238 to 0.259 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.040
Over 2-1/2 to 3, incl 2 to 0.320 0.284 to 0.320 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.048
Over 3 to 3-1/2, incl 16 to 14 0.065 to 0.083 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.025
Over 3 to 3-1/2, incl 13 to 5 0.095 to 0.220 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.027
Over 3 to 3-1/2, incl 4 to 3 0.238 to 0.259 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.043
Over 3-1/2 to 4, incl 16 to 14 0.065 to 0.083 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.026
Over 3-1/2 to 4, incl 13 to 5 0.095 to 0.220 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.028
Over 3-1/2 to 4, incl 4 to 3 0.238 to 0.259 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.044
Over 3-1/2 to 4, incl 2 to 0.500 0.284 to 0.500 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.053
Over 4 to 5, incl 16 to 14 0.065 to 0.083 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.036
Over 4 to 5, incl 13 to 5 0.095 to 0.220 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.045
Over 4 to 5, incl 4 to 3 0.238 to 0.259 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.054
Over 4 to 5, incl 2 to 0.500 0.284 to 0.500 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.058
Over 5 to 6, incl 16 to 10 0.065 to 0.134 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.036
Over 5 to 6, incl 9 to 5 0.145 to 0.220 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.040
Over 5 to 6, incl 4 to 3 0.238 to 0.259 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.054
Over 5 to 6, incl 2 to 0.500 0.284 to 0.500 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.058
Over 6 to 8, incl. 11 to 10 0.120 to 0.134 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.043
Over 6 to 8, incl. 9 to 5 0.148 to 0.220 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.045
Over 6 to 8, incl. 4 to 3 0.238 to 0.259 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.059
Over 6 to 8, incl. 2 to 0.500 0.284 to 0.500 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.063
a 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
b Flash-In tubing is produced only to outside diameter tolerances and wall thickness tolerances and the inside diameter welding flash does not exceed the wall thickness or 3/32 inch, whichever is less.
c Flash controlled to 0.010 inch max tubing consists of tubing over 1-1/8 inch outside diameter which is commonly produced only to outside diameter tolerances and wall thickness tolerances, in which the height of the remaining inside welding flash is controlled not to exceed 0.010 inch
d Flash controlled to 0.005 inch max tubing is produced to outside diameters and wall thickness tolerance, inside diameter and wall thickness tolerances, or outside diameter and inside diameter tolerances, in which the height of the remaining flash is controlled not to exceed 0.005 inch. Any remaining flash is considered to be part of the applicable inside diameter tolerances.
e No-flash tubing is further processed for closer tolerances with mandrel-tubing produced to outside diameter and wall, inside diameter and wall, or outside diameter and inside diameter to tolerances with no dimensional indication of inside diameter flash. This condition is available in Types 5 and 6.
f Birmingham Wire Gauge.
g The ovality shall be within the above tolerances except when the wall thickness is less than 3 percent of the outside diameter.  In such case the ovality may be 50% greater than the outside tolerances but the mean outside diameter shall be within the specified tolerance.   

Chemical Properties - Typical (ASTM A513 Type 1 HREW)
Grade Chemistry %
1010 Carbon 0.05 - 0.15
Manganese 0.30 - 0.60
Phosphorus 0.035 Max
Sulfur 0.035 Max
1015 Carbon 0.10 - 0.20
Manganese 0.30 - 0.60
Phosphorus 0.035 Max
Sulfur 0.035 Max
1020 Carbon 0.15 - 0.25
Silicon 0.30 - 0.60
Manganese 0.035 Max
Phosphorus 0.035 Max
Wall Thickness Tolerances For Hot Rolled Electric Weld Tubing (ASTM A513 Type 1 HREW)
Wall Thickness Outside Diameter, In.a
In.a Bwgb 3/4 to 1 incl. Over 1 to 1-15/16,inc. Over 1-15/16 to 3-3/4,inc. Over 3-3/4 to 4-1/2,incl. Over 4-1/2 to 6,incl. Over 6 to 8,incl.
Wall Thickness Tolerances, in.,a Plus and Minus
Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus
0.065 16 0.005 0.009 0.004 0.010 0.003 0.011 0.002 0.012 0.002 0.012
0.072 15 0.005 0.009 0.004 0.010 0.003 0.011 0.002 0.012 0.002 0.012
0.083 14 0.006 0.010 0.005 0.011 0.004 0.012 0.003 0.013 0.003 0.013
0.095 13 0.006 0.010 0.005 0.011 0.004 0.012 0.003 0.013 0.003 0.013
0.109 12 0.006 0.010 0.005 0.011 0.004 0.012 0.003 0.013 0.003 0.013 0.003 0.013
0.12 11 0.006 0.010 0.005 0.011 0.004 0.012 0.003 0.013 0.003 0.013 0.003 0.013
0.134 10 0.006 0.010 0.005 0.011 0.004 0.012 0.003 0.013 0.003 0.013 0.003 0.013
0.148 9 0.006 0.012 0.005 0.013 0.004 0.014 0.004 0.014 0.004 0.014
0.165 8 0.006 0.012 0.005 0.013 0.004 0.014 0.004 0.014 0.004 0.014
0.18 7 0.006 0.012 0.005 0.013 0.004 0.014 0.004 0.014 0.004 0.014
0.203 6 0.007 0.015 0.006 0.016 0.005 0.017 0.005 0.017
0.22 5 0.007 0.015 0.006 0.016 0.005 0.017 0.005 0.017
0.238 4 0.012 0.020 0.011 0.021 0.010 0.022 0.010 0.022
0.259 3 0.013 0.021 0.012 0.022 0.011 0.023 0.011 0.023
0.284 2 0.014 0.022 0.013 0.023 0.012 0.024 0.012 0.024
0.3 1 0.015 0.023 0.014 0.024 0.013 0.025 0.013 0.025
0.32 0.016 0.024 0.015 0.025 0.014 0.026 0.014 0.026
0.344 0.017 0.025 0.016 0.026 0.015 0.027 0.015 0.027
0.36 0.017 0.025 0.016 0.026 0.015 0.027 0.015 0.027
0.375 0.016 0.026 0.015 0.027 0.015 0.027
0.406 0.017 0.027 0.016 0.028 0.016 0.028
0.438 0.017 0.027 0.016 0.028 0.016 0.028
0.469 0.016 0.028 0.016 0.028
0.5 0.016 0.028 0.016 0.028
a 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
b Birmingham Wire Gauge.
Typical Mechanical Properties (ASTM A513 Type 1 HREW)
Grade Yield Strength, ksi (Mpa) Min. Ultimate Strength, ksi (Mpa) Min. Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, % min. RB Min. RB Max
1008 30 (207) 42 (290) 15 50  
1010 32 (221) 45 (310) 15 55  
1015 35 (241) 48 (331) 15 58  
1020 38 (262) 52 (359) 12 62  
1021 40 (276) 54 (372) 12 62  
1025 40 (276) 56 (386) 12 65  
1026 45 (310) 62 (427) 12 68  
1030 45 (310) 62 (427) 10 70  
1035 50 (345) 66 (455) 10 75  
1040 50 (345) 66 (645) 10 75  
1340 55 (379) 72 (496) 10 80  
1524 50 (345) 66 (455) 10 75  
4130 55 (379) 72 (496) 10 80  
4140 70 (485) 90 (621) 10 85  
Normalized Tubing
1008 23 (159) 38 (262) 30   65
1010 25 (172) 40 (276) 30   65
1015 30 (207) 45 (310) 30   70
1020 35 (241) 50 (345) 25   75
1021 35 (241) 50 (345) 25   78
1025 37 (255) 55 (379) 25   80
1026 40 (276) 60 (414) 25   85
1030 40 (276) 60 (414) 25   85
1035 45 (310) 65 (448) 20   88
1040 45 (310) 65 (448) 20   90
1340 50 (345) 70 (483) 20   100
1524 45 (310) 65 (448) 20   88
4130 50 (345) 70 (483) 20   100
4140 65 (448) 90 (621) 20   105
Sink-Drawn Tubing
1008 38 (262) 48 (331) 8 65  
1010 40 (276) 50 (345) 8 65  
1015 45 (310) 55 (379) 8 67  
1020 50 (345) 60 (414) 8 70  
1021 52 (359) 62 (428) 7 70  
1025 55 (379) 65 (448) 7 72  
1026 55 (379) 70 (483) 7 77  
1030 62 (427) 70 (483) 7 78  
1035 70 (483) 80 (552) 7 82  
Mandrel-Drawn Tubing
1008 50 (345) 60 (414) 5 73  
1010 50 (345) 60 (414) 5 73  
1015 55 (379) 65 (448) 5 77  
1020 60 (414) 70 (483) 5 80  
1021 62 (427) 72 (496) 5 80  
1025 65 (448) 75 (517) 5 82  
1026 70 (483) 80 (552) 5 85  
1030 75 (517) 85 (586) 5 87  
1035 80 (552) 90 (621) 5 90  
1040 80 (552) 90 (621) 5 90  
1340 85 (586) 95 (655) 5 90  
1524 80 (552) 90 (621) 5 90  
4130 85 (586) 95 (655) 5 90  
4140 100 (690)1 110 (758)1 5 90   
Mandrel-Drawn Stress-Relieved Tubing
1008 45 (310) 55 (379) 12 68  
1010 45 (310) 55 (379) 12 68  
1015 50 (345) 60 (414) 12 72  
1020 55 (379) 65 (448) 10 75  
1021 58 (400) 68 (469) 10 75  
1025 60 (414) 70 (483) 10 77  
1026 65 (448) 75 (517) 10 80  
1030 70 (483) 80 (552) 10 81  
1035 75 (517) 85 (586) 10 85  
1040 75 (517) 85 (586) 10 85  
1340 80 (552) 90 (621) 10 87  
1524 75 (517) 85 (586) 10 85  
4130 80 (552) 90 (621) 10 87  
4140 95 (655) 105 (724)1 10 90  
These values are based on normal mill stress relieving temperatures. For particular applications, properties may be adjusted by negotiation between purchaser and producer.
For longitudinal strip tests, the width of the gage section shall be 1 in. (25.4 mm) and a deduction of 0.5 percentage points from the basic minimum elongation for each 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) decrease in wall thickness under 5/16 in. (7.9 mm) in wall thickness shall be permitted.
Diameter Tolerances For Cold Rolled Electric Weld Tubing (ASTM A513-Type 2 CREW)
Outside Diameter Range, In.a Wall Thickness Flash-in Tubingb,c Flash Controlled to 0.010 In. Max Tubingc,e Flash Controlled to 0.005 In. Max Tubingd,e
Bwgf In.a Outside Diameter
Plus and Minus
Outside Diameter
Plus and Minus
Outside Diameter
Plus and Minus
Inside Diameter
Plus and Minus
Tolerances, In.a,g
3/8 to 5/8, incl 22 to 16 0.028 to 0.065 0.003
Over 5/8 to 1-1/8, incl 22 to 20 0.028 to 0.035 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.013
Over 5/8 to 1-1/8, incl 18 0.049 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.015
Over 5/8 to 1-1/8, incl 16 to 14 0.065 to 0.083 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.019
Over 3/4 to 1-1/8, incl 13 0.095 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.019
Over 7/8 to 1-1/8, incl 12 to 11 0.109 to 0.120 0.0035 0.0035 0.0035 0.021
Over 1-1/8 to 2, incl 22 to 18 0.028 to 0.049 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015
Over 1-1/8 to 2, incl 16 to 13 0.065 to 0.095 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.019
Over 1-1/8 to 2, incl 12 to 10 0.109 to 0.134 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.022
Over 2 to 2-1/2, incl 20 to 18 0.035 to 0.049 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.016
Over 2 to 2-1/2, incl 16 to 13 0.065 to 0.095 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.020
Over 2 to 2-1/2, incl 12 to 10 0.109 to 0.134 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.023
Over 2-1/2 to 3, incl 20 to 18 0.035 to 0.049 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.018
Over 2-1/2 to 3, incl 16 to 13 0.065 to 0.095 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.022
Over 2-1/2 to 3, incl 12 to 10 0.109 to 0.134 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.025
Over 3 to 3-1/2, incl 20 to 18 0.035 to 0.049 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.019
Over 3 to 3-1/2, incl 16 to 13 0.065 to 0.095 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.023
Over 3 to 3-1/2, incl 12 to 10 0.109 to 0.134 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.026
Over 3-1/2 to 4, incl 20 to 18 0.035 to 0.049 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.020
Over 3-1/2 to 4, incl 16 to 13 0.065 to 0.095 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.024
Over 3-1/2 to 4, incl 12 to 10 0.109 to 0.134 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.027
Over 4 to 6, incl 16 to 13 0.065 to 0.095 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.034
Over 4 to 6, incl 12 to 10 0.109 to 0.134 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.037
Over 6 to 8, incl 14 to 13 0.083 to 0.095 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.039
Over 6 to 8, incl 12 to 10 0.109 to 0.134 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.042
a 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
b Flash-In tubing is produced to outside diameter tolerances and wall thickness tolerances only, and the height of the inside welding flash does not exceed the wall thickness or 3/32 inch, whichever is less.
c Flash controlled to 0.010 inch max tubing consists of tubing over 5/8 inch outside diameter which is commonly produced to outside diameter tolerances and wall thickness tolerances only, in which the height of the remaining inside welding flash is controlled not to exceed 0.010 inch
d Flash controlled to 0.005 inch max tubing is produced to outside diameter tolerances and wall thickness tolerances, inside diameter tolerances and wall thickness tolerances, or outside diameter tolerances and inside diameter tolerances, in which the height of the remaining inside welding flash is controlled not to exceed 0.005 inch. Any remaining flash is considered to be part of the applicable inside diameter tolerances.
e Birmingham Wire Gauge.
f The ovality shall be within the above tolerances except when the wall thickness is less than 3 percent of the outside diameter.  In such case the ovality may be 50% greater than the outside tolerances but the mean outside diameter shall be within the specified tolerance.
Chemical Properties - Typical (ASTM A513 Type 2 CREW)
Grade Chemistry %
1010 Carbon 0.05 - 0.15
Manganese 0.30 - 0.60
Phosphorus 0.035 Max
Sulfur 0.035 Max
1015 Carbon 0.10 - 0.20
Manganese 0.30 - 0.60
Phosphorus 0.035 Max
Sulfur 0.035 Max
1020 Carbon 0.15 - 0.25
Silicon 0.30 - 0.60
Manganese 0.035 Max
Phosphorus 0.035 Max
Wall Thickness Tolerances for Cold Rolled Round Tubing (ASTM A513-Type 2 CREW)
Wall Thickness Outside Diameter, In.a
In.a Bwgb 3/4 to 1 incl. Over 1 to 1-15/16,inc. Over 1-15/16 to 3-3/4,inc. Over 3-3/4 to 4-1/2,incl. Over 4-1/2 to 6,incl. Over 6 to 8,incl.
Wall Thickness Tolerances, in.,a Plus and Minus
Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus
0.028 22 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.005
0.035 20 0.002 0.005 0.001 0.005 0.001 0.005
0.049 18 0.003 0.006 0.002 0.006 0.002 0.006
0.065 16 0.005 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.007
0.083 14 0.006 0.007 0.005 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.008 0.004 0.008
0.095 13 0.006 0.007 0.005 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.008 0.004 0.008
0.109 12 0.006 0.008 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.009 0.005 0.009
0.12 11 0.007 0.008 0.006 0.008 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.009 0.005 0.009
0.134 10 0.007 0.008 0.006 0.008 0.005 0.008 0.005 0.009 0.005 0.009
a 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
b Birmingham Wire Gauge.
Typical Mechanical Properties (ASTM A513 Type 2 CREW)
Grade Yield Strength, ksi (Mpa) Min. Ultimate Strength, ksi (Mpa) Min. Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, % min. RB Min. RB Max
1008 30 (207) 42 (290) 15 50  
1010 32 (221) 45 (310) 15 55  
1015 35 (241) 48 (331) 15 58  
1020 38 (262) 52 (359) 12 62  
1021 40 (276) 54 (372) 12 62  
1025 40 (276) 56 (386) 12 65  
1026 45 (310) 62 (427) 12 68  
1030 45 (310) 62 (427) 10 70  
1035 50 (345) 66 (455) 10 75  
1040 50 (345) 66 (645) 10 75  
1340 55 (379) 72 (496) 10 80  
1524 50 (345) 66 (455) 10 75  
4130 55 (379) 72 (496) 10 80  
4140 70 (485) 90 (621) 10 85  
Normalized Tubing
1008 23 (159) 38 (262) 30   65
1010 25 (172) 40 (276) 30   65
1015 30 (207) 45 (310) 30   70
1020 35 (241) 50 (345) 25   75
1021 35 (241) 50 (345) 25   78
1025 37 (255) 55 (379) 25   80
1026 40 (276) 60 (414) 25   85
1030 40 (276) 60 (414) 25   85
1035 45 (310) 65 (448) 20   88
1040 45 (310) 65 (448) 20   90
1340 50 (345) 70 (483) 20   100
1524 45 (310) 65 (448) 20   88
4130 50 (345) 70 (483) 20   100
4140 65 (448) 90 (621) 20   105
Sink-Drawn Tubing
1008 38 (262) 48 (331) 8 65  
1010 40 (276) 50 (345) 8 65  
1015 45 (310) 55 (379) 8 67  
1020 50 (345) 60 (414) 8 70  
1021 52 (359) 62 (428) 7 70  
1025 55 (379) 65 (448) 7 72  
1026 55 (379) 70 (483) 7 77  
1030 62 (427) 70 (483) 7 78  
1035 70 (483) 80 (552) 7 82  
Mandrel-Drawn Tubing
1008 50 (345) 60 (414) 5 73  
1010 50 (345) 60 (414) 5 73  
1015 55 (379) 65 (448) 5 77  
1020 60 (414) 70 (483) 5 80  
1021 62 (427) 72 (496) 5 80  
1025 65 (448) 75 (517) 5 82  
1026 70 (483) 80 (552) 5 85  
1030 75 (517) 85 (586) 5 87  
1035 80 (552) 90 (621) 5 90  
1040 80 (552) 90 (621) 5 90  
1340 85 (586) 95 (655) 5 90  
1524 80 (552) 90 (621) 5 90  
4130 85 (586) 95 (655) 5 90  
4140 100 (690)1 110 (758)1 5 90   
Mandrel-Drawn Stress-Relieved Tubing
1008 45 (310) 55 (379) 12 68  
1010 45 (310) 55 (379) 12 68  
1015 50 (345) 60 (414) 12 72  
1020 55 (379) 65 (448) 10 75  
1021 58 (400) 68 (469) 10 75  
1025 60 (414) 70 (483) 10 77  
1026 65 (448) 75 (517) 10 80  
1030 70 (483) 80 (552) 10 81  
1035 75 (517) 85 (586) 10 85  
1040 75 (517) 85 (586) 10 85  
1340 80 (552) 90 (621) 10 87  
1524 75 (517) 85 (586) 10 85  
4130 80 (552) 90 (621) 10 87  
4140 95 (655) 105 (724)1 10 90  
These values are based on normal mill stress relieving temperatures. For particular applications, properties may be adjusted by negotiation between purchaser and producer.
For longitudinal strip tests, the width of the gage section shall be 1 in. (25.4 mm) and a deduction of 0.5 percentage points from the basic minimum elongation for each 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) decrease in wall thickness under 5/16 in. (7.9 mm) in wall thickness shall be permitted.
Chemical Composition (ASTM A513-T5 DOM)
Grade Chemistry %
1020 Carbon 0.150 - 0.200
Manganese 0.300 - 0.600
Phosphorus 0.035 Max
Sulfur 0.035 Max
1026 Carbon 0.220 - 0.280
Manganese 0.600 - 0.900
Phosphorus 0.035 Max
Sulfur 0.035 Max
 ST52.3 Carbon  0.140 - 0.180
Silicon 0.150 - 0.300
Manganese  1.200 - 1.400
Phosphorus  0.020 Max
Sulfur  0.010 Max
Mechanical Properties (ASTM A513-T5 DOM)
Yield (PSI) Tensile (PSI) Elongation (% in 2" section) Typical Hardness (Min.)
Grade 1020
60,000 70,000 10 B-75
Grade 1026
70,000 80,000 10 B-80
Grade ST52.3
 75,000 85,000  15  B-80
Outside Diameter and Inside Diameter Tolerances (ASTM A513-T5 DOM)
OD Inches Size Range Wall: Percent of OD OD Inches ID Inches
Plus Minus Plus Minus
Up to 0.499 All 0.004 0    
0.500-1.699 All 0.005 0 0 0.005
1.700-2.099 All 0.006 0 0 0.006
2.100-2.499 All 0.007 0 0 0.007
2.500-2.899 All 0.008 0 0 0.008
2.900-3.299 All 0.009 0 0 0.009
3.300-3.699 All 0.010 0 0 0.010
3.700-4.099 All 0.011 0 0 0.011
4.100-4.499 All 0.012 0 0 0.012
4.500-4.899 All 0.013 0 0 0.013
4.900-5.299 All 0.014 0 0 0.014
5.300-5.549 All 0.015 0 0 0.015
5.550-5.999 Under 6 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
  6 and Over 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009
6.000-6.499 Under 6 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013
  6 and Over 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
6.500-6.999 Under 6 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015
  6 and Over 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012
7.000-7.499 Under 6 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018
  6 and Over 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013
7.500-7.999 Under 6 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
  6 and Over 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015
8.000-8.499 Under 6 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.023
  6 and Over 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016
8.500-8.999 Under 6 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.025
  6 and Over 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017
9.000-9.499 Under 6 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.028
  6 and Over 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.019
9.500-9.999 Under 6 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
  6 and Over 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020
10.000-10.999 All 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034
11.000-11.999 All 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035
12.000-12.999 All 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036
13.000-13.999 All 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037
14.000-15.000 All 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038
Wall Tolerances (ASTM A513 Type 5)
Wall Thickness (Inches) Including .375" to .875" OD Over .875" to 1.875" OD Over 1.875" to 3.750" OD Over 3.750 "to 15.000" OD
Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus
0.035 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002    
0.049 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.003    
0.065 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.004
0.083 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.005
0.095 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.005
0.109 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.005
0.120 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.005
0.134     0.002 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.005
0.148     0.002 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.005
0.165     0.003 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006
0.180     0.004 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.006 0.006
0.203     0.004 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007
0.220     0.004 0.006 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.007
0.238     0.005 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.007
0.259     0.005 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.007
0.284     0.005 0.006 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.007
0.300     0.006 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.008 0.008
0.320     0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.008 0.008
0.344     0.008 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.009 0.009
0.375         0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009
0.400         0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010
0.438         0.011 0.011 0.011 0.011
0.460         0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012
0.480         0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012
0.531         0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013
0.563         0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013
0.580         0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014
0.600         0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015
0.625         0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016
0.650         0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017
Ovality (ASTM A513 Type 5)
Ovality shall be within the above tolerances except when the wall thickness is less than 3% of the OD. In those cases the additional ovality shall be as follows, but the mean diameter shall be within the specified tolerance.
Outside Diameter (Inches) Additional Ovality Tolerance (Inches)
Up to 2 0.010
Over 2 - 3 0.015
Over 3 - 4 0.020
Over 4 - 5 0.025
Over 5 - 6 0.030
Over 6 - 7 0.035
Over 7 - 8 0.040
Over 8 - 9 0.045
Over 9 - 10 0.050
Over 10 - 11 0.055
Over 11 - 12 0.060
Over 12 - 12.500 0.065
Straightness Tolerance (ASTM A513 Type 5)
Outside Diameter Tolerance for any 3' of Length
< 8.000" 0.030"
≥ 8.000" 0.060"
Chemical Composition (ASTM A519 CDS Tubing)
Grade Chemistry %
1020 Carbon 0.18-0.23
Manganese 0.30-0.60
Phosphorus 0.040 Max
Sulfur 0.050 Max
1026 Carbon 0.220-0.280
Manganese 0.600-0.900
Phosphorus 0.040 Max
Sulfur 0.050 Max
Wall Tolerances (ASTM A519 CDS)
Wall  % of OD Wall Tolerances Max % Over and Under Nominal Wall
ID up to 1.499" ID 1.500" and larger
Under 25% +/- 10.0% +/- 7.50%
Over 25% +/- 12.5% +/- 10.0%
Straightness Tolerances (ASTM A519 CDS)
Outside Diameter Size Range Wall percent of Outside Diameter Total Camber in any 3 ft.
Up to 5.000" 3% OD & Over 0.030"
5.001 / 8.000" 4% OD & Over 0.045"
8.001 / 10.750" 4% OD & Over 0.060"
Mechanical Properties (ASTM A519 CDS)
Yield (PSI) Tensile (PSI) Elongation (% in 2" section) Typical Hardness (Min.)
Grade 1020
60,000 70,000 15 B-75
Grade 1026
65,000 75,000 15


Diameter Tolerances (ASTM A519 CDS)
  Unannealed or Stress Relief Annealed Soft Annealed or Normalized Oil Quenched & Tempered
OD Wall OD (Inches) ID (Inches) OD (Inches) ID (Inches) OD (Inches) ID (Inches)
(Inches) (% of OD) Plus/Minus Plus/Minus Plus/Minus Plus/Minus Plus/Minus Plus/Minus
Up to 0.499 All 0.004 / 0.000 - / - 0.005 / 0.002 - / - 0.010 / 0.010 0.010 / 0.010
0.500 - 1.699 All 0.005 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.005 0.007 / 0.002 0.002 / 0.007 0.015 / 0.015 0.015 / 0.015
1.700 - 2.099 All 0.006 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.006 0.006 / 0.005 0.005 / 0.006 0.020 / 0.020 0.020 / 0.020
2.100 - 2.499 All 0.007 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.007 0.008 / 0.005 0.005 / 0.008 0.023 / 0.023 0.023 / 0.023
2.500 - 2.899 All 0.008 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.008 0.009 / 0.005 0.005 / 0.009 0.025 / 0.025 0.025 / 0.025
2.900 - 3.299 All 0.009 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.009 0.011 / 0.005 0.005 / 0.011 0.028 / 0.028 0.028 / 0.028
3.300 - 3.699 All 0.010 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.010 0.013 /0.005 0.005 / 0.013 0.030 / 0.030 0.030 / 0.030
3.700 - 4.099 All 0.011 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.011 0.013 / 0.007 0.010 / 0.010 0.033 / 0.033 0.033 / 0.033
4.100 - 4.499 All 0.012 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.012 0.014 / 0.007 0.011 / 0.011 0.036 / 0.036 0.036 / 0.036
4.500 - 4.899 All 0.013 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.013 0.016 / 0.007 0.012 / 0.012 0.038 / 0.038 0.038 / 0.038
4.900 - 5.299 All 0.014 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.014 0.018 / 0.007 0.013 / 0.013 0.041 / 0.041 0.041 / 0.041
5.300 - 5.549 All 0.015 / 0.000 0.000 / 0.015 0.020 / 0.007 0.014 / 0.014 0.044 / 0.044 0.044 / 0.044
5.550 - 5.559 Under 6 0.010 / 0.010 0.010 / 0.010 0.018 / 0.018 0.018 / 0.018    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.009 / 0.009 0.009 / 0.009 0.016 / 0.016 0.016 / 0.016    
  Over 7-1/2 0.018 / 0.000 0.009 / 0.009 0.017 / 0.015 0.016 / 0.016    
6.000 - 6.499 Under 6 0.013 / 0.013 0.013 / 0.013 0.023 / 0.023 0.023 / 0.023    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.010 / 0.010 0.010 / 0.010 0.018 / 0.018 0.018 / 0.018    
  Over 7-1/2 0.020 / 0.000 0.010 / 0.010 0.020 / 0.015 0.018 / 0.018    
6.500 - 6.999 Under 6 0.015 / 0.015 0.015 / 0.015 0.027 / 0.027 0.027 / 0.027    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.012 / 0.012 0.012 / 0.012 0.021 / 0.021 0.021 / 0.021    
  Over 7-1/2 0.023 / 0.000 0.012 / 0.012 0.026 / 0.015 0.021 / 0.021    
7.000 - 7.499 Under 6 0.018 / 0.018 0.018 / 0.018 0.032 / 0.032 0.032 / 0.032    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.013 / 0.013 0.013 / 0.013 0.023 / 0.023 0.023 / 0.023    
  Over 7-1/2 0.026 / 0.000 0.013 / 0.013 0.031 / 0.015 0.023 / 0.023    
7.500 - 7.999 Under 6 0.020 / 0.020 0.020 / 0.020 0.035 / 0.035 0.035 / 0.035    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.015 / 0.015 0.015 / 0.015 0.026 / 0.026 0.026 / 0.026    
  Over 7-1/2 0.029 / 0.000 0.015 / 0.015 0.036 / 0.015 0.026 / 0.026    
8.000 - 8.499 Under 6 0.023 / 0.023 0.023 / 0.023 0.041 / 0.041 0.041 / 0.041    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.016 / 0.016 0.016 / 0.016 0.028 / 0.028 0.028 / 0.028    
  Over 7-1/2 0.031 / 0.000 0.015 / 0.016 0.033 / 0.022 0.028 / 0.028    
8.500 - 8.999 Under 6 0.025 / 0.025 0.025 / 0.025 0.044 / 0.044 0.044 / 0.044    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.017 / 0.017 0.017 / 0.017 0.030 / 0.030 0.030 / 0.030    
  Over 7-1/2 0.034 / 0.000 0.015 / 0.019 0.038 / 0.022 0.030 / 0.030    
9.000 - 9.499 Under 6 0.028 / 0.028 0.028 / 0.028 0.045 / 0.045 0.049 / 0.049    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.019 / 0.019 0.019 / 0.019 0.033 / 0.033 0.033 / 0.033    
  Over 7-1/2 0.037 / 0.000 0.015 / 0.022 0.043 / 0.022 0.033 / 0.033    
9.500 - 9.999 Under 6 0.030 / 0.030 0.030 / 0.030 0.045 / 0.045 0.053 / 0.053    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.020 / 0.020 0.020 / 0.020 0.035 / 0.035 0.035 / 0.035    
  Over 7-1/2 0.040 / 0.000 0.015 / 0.025 0.048 / 0.022 0.035 / 0.035    
10.000 - 10.999 Under 6 0.034 / 0.034 0.034 / 0.034 0.045 / 0.045 0.060 / 0.060    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.022 / 0.022 0.022 / 0.022 0.039 / 0.039 0.039 / 0.039    
  Over 7-1/2 0.044 / 0.000 0.015 / 0.029 0.055 / 0.022 0.039 / 0.039    
11.000 - 12.000 Under 6 0.035 / 0.035 0.035 / 0.035 0.050 / 0.050 0.065 / 0.065    
  6 to 7-1/2 0.025 / 0.025 0.025 / 0.025 0.045 / 0.045 0.045 / 0.045    
  Over 7-1/2 0.045 / 0.000 0.015 / 0.035 0.060 / 0.022 0.045 / 0.045    
The following procedure may be used to determine the proper warehouse stock size (O.D. and wall thickness) of Cold Drawn Seamless or Butt Weld Steel Tubing with sufficient allowance for machining, based on chucking true to O.D.
A = Machined O.D. (Maximum)
B = Machining allowance, O.D. or I.D. Tolerance
Under 1-1/2" O.D. .020"
1-1/2” to 3" Excl. .040"
3” to 5-1/2" Excl. .060"
5-1/2” to 8" Excl. .080"
C = Camber in length of part, ratio per foot. Tolerance
Under 5" O.D. .020"
5" to 8" Excl. .030"
8" to 10-3/4" .040"
D = Machined I.D. (Minimum)
E = Outside Diameter Tolerances
F = Percent of Wall Thickness
Calculated O.D. = A + B + C
Stock Size O.D. –When the calculated O.D. is not shown as available in the stock list, use the stock size O.D. listed which is next larger than the calculated O.D.
Calculated I.D. = D - ( B + C )
Calculated Wall Thickness =
[(Stock Size O.D. + E - Calculated I.D.)(1.00 + F)]/2
Stock Size Wall Thickness – When the calculated wall thickness is not shown as available in the stock size O.D. above, use the stock size wall thickness listed, which is next heavier.
Notes: If the machined part is less than 4" long, or the maximum machined O.D. and minimum machined I.D. is within 4" of the chuck, camber may be ignored. Also, the formula assumes that tolerances, surface defects, eccentricity, and camber are all at the permissible maximum at the same time. Since this condition is extremely unlikely, a stock size slightly under either the calculated O.D. or wall may sometimes be used to advantage with the risk offset by the savings in material cost.
How to figure O.D., I.D., and Wall Tolerances for ASTM A519 CDS Tubing
Example: Tubing specified to O.D. and I.D. dimensions 4.5" O.D. x 4" I.D.
O.D. = 4.500"/4.513" I.D. = 3.987"/4.000"
Wall = (+/- 7.5%) of .250"/.263" or .231"/.283"
Example: Tubing specified to O.D. and Wall dimensions 4.5" O.D. x 4" I.D.
O.D. = 4.500"/4.513" I.D. = 3.962"/4.051"
Wall = (+/- 7.5%) of .250" or .231"/.269"
Chemical Composition (ASTM A519 HRS Tubing)
Grade Chemistry %
1020 Carbon 0.18-0.23
Manganese 0.30-0.60
Phosphorus 0.040 Max
Sulfur 0.050 Max
1026 Carbon 0.220-0.280
Manganese 0.600-0.900
Phosphorus 0.040 Max
Sulfur 0.050 Max
Outside Diameter Tolerances (ASTM A519 HRS)
OD Size Range Plus & Minus
Up to 2.999" 0.020"
3.000" - 4.499" 0.025"
4.500" - 5.999" 0.031"
6.000" - 7.499" 0.037"
7.500" - 8.999" 0.045"
9.000" - 10.750" 0.050"
Mechanical Properties (ASTM A519 HRS)
Yield (PSI) Tensile (PSI) Elongation (% in 2" section) Typical Hardness (Min.)
Grade 1020
32,000 50,000 25 B-55
Grade 1026
35,000 55,000 25 B-60
Wall Thickness Tolerance (ASTM A519 HRS)
Wall Thickness Range as a Percent of Outside Diameter % Over and Under Nominal Wall
OD up to 2.999" OD 3.00"- 5.999" OD 6.00"- 10.750"
Walls Under 15% of nominal O.D. 12.50% 10.00% 10.00%
Walls Over 15% of nominal O.D. 10.00% 7.50% 10.00%
Straightness Tolerances (ASTM A519 HRS)
Outside Diameter Size Range Wall percent of Outside Diameter Total Camber in any 3 ft.
Up to 5.000" 3% OD & Over 0.030"
5.001 / 8.000" 4% OD & Over 0.045"
8.001 / 10.750" 4% OD & Over 0.060"
How to figure O.D., I.D., and Wall Tolerances for ASTM A519 HRS Tubing
Example: Tubing specified to O.D. and Wall dimensions 4.5" O.D. x 1" Wall
O.D. = 4.531"/4.469" I.D. = 2.681"/2.319"
Wall = (+/- 7.5%) of 1.00" or 0.925"/1.075"
Chemical Composition (ASTM A519 HRS Alloy)
Grade Chemistry %
4140 Carbon 0.380 - 0.430
Manganese 0.75 - 1.00
Phosphorus 0.040 Max
Sulfur 0.040 Max
Silicon 0.15 - 0.35
Chromium 0.80 - 1.10
Molybdenum 0.15 - 0.25
4142 Carbon 0.40 - 0.45
Manganese 0.75 - 1.00
Phosphorus 0.040 Max
Sulfur 0.040 Max
Silicon 0.15 - 0.35
Chromium 0.80 - 1.10
Molybdenum 0.15 - 0.25
Mechanical Properties (ASTM A519 HRS Alloy)
Yield (PSI) Tensile (PSI) Elongation (% in 2" section) Typical Hardness (Min.)
Grade 4140 Annealed
60,000 80,000 25 B-85
Outside Diameter Tolerances (ASTM A519 HRS Alloy)
OD Size Range Plus & Minus
Up to 2.999" 0.020"
3.000" - 4.499" 0.025"
4.500" - 5.999" 0.031"
6.000" - 7.499" 0.037"
7.500" - 8.999" 0.045"
9.000" - 10.750" 0.050"
Wall Thickness Tolerance (ASTM A519 HRS Alloy)
Wall Thickness Range as a Percent of Outside Diameter % Over and Under Nominal Wall
OD up to 2.999" OD 3.00"- 5.999" OD 6.00"- 10.750"
Walls Under 15% of nominal O.D. 12.50% 10.00% 10.00%
Walls Over 15% of nominal O.D. 10.00% 7.50% 10.00%
SAE J-525B Welded Hydraulic Tubing Dimension Tolerances
When tubing is specified by outside diameter and inside diameter, the tolerances shown in the table shall apply.
Nominal Outside Diameter (Inch) OD (Inch) ID (Inch)
Up to 0.375 ±0.002 ±0.005
Over 3/8 to & incl. 5/8  ±0.0025 ±0.0025
Over 5/8 to & incl. 2  ±0.003 ±0.003
Over 2 to & incl. 2-1/2    ±0.004 ±0.004
When tubing is specified by the outside diameter (or the inside diameter) and the nominal wall thickness, the tolerances for the specified diameter shall apply and the wall thickness shall not vary more than plus or minus 10 percent.
Carbon 0.18 maximum
Manganese 0.30 – 0.60
Phosphorus 0.040 maximum
Sulphur 0.050 maximum
Tensile Strength 45,000 psi minimum
Yield Strength 25,000 minimum
Elongation in 2 inch 35 percent* minimum
Rockwell Hardness B65 maximum
* For tubes with OD of 3/8 inch and/or wall thickness of 0.035, a minimum elongation of 30 percent is permitted.
A section at least three inches in length shall be taken from every 1500 feet or less of finished tubing and shall be flattened between parallel plates to three times the wall thickness of the tube. The weld shall be placed at a point of 90 degrees from the direction of applied force. Any cracking or flaws revealed by this test shall be cause for rejection. Superficial ruptures resulting from minor surface imperfections shall not be cause for rejection.
Reverse Flattening Test
A section at least four inches in length shall be taken from every 1500 feet or less of finished tubing and split longitudinally 90 degrees on each side of the weld and the sample opened and flattened. There shall be no evidence of cracks or lack of penetration or overlaps resulting from flash removal in the weld.
Expansion Test
A suitable specimen shall be taken from each 1500 feet or less of tubing and subjected to an expansion over a plug. The outside diameter must be expanded 25 percent throughout a length equal to the outside diameter of the tubing or one inch, whichever is greater. There shall be no evidence of cracking in this test.
Tubing supplied under this specification shall have been hydrostatically tested at a fiber stress of 20,000 psi or at an actual pressure of 5,000 psi, whichever is less, based on the applicable minimum wall, or tested by use of a nondestructive electrical test approved by purchaser.
The tubing shall be normalized and followed by a cold working operation. The cold working shall result in minimum reduction of areas of 15 percent of which at least 8 percent shall be reduction of wall thickness. After cold working, the tubing shall be annealed in such a manner that the resultant product will meet all requirements of this specification.
SAE J-524 (AMS 5050) Seamless Hydraulic Tubing Dimension Tolerances
When tubing is specified by outside diameter and wall, the tolerances shown in the table shall apply.
  Nominal Outside Diameter (Inch)  Wall (%)
Up to 3/8 ±0.003 ±15%
Over 3/8 to & incl. 1/2  ±0.003 ±10%
Over 1/2 to & incl. 1-1/2  ±0.005 ±10%
Over 1-1/2 to & incl. 2-1/2    ±0.010 ±10%
Carbon 0.18 maximum
Manganese 0.30 – 0.60
Phosphorus 0.040 maximum
Sulphur 0.050 maximum
Tensile Strength 45,000 psi minimum
Yield Strength 25,000 minimum
Elongation in 2 inch 35 percent* minimum
Rockwell Hardness B65 maximum
*For tubes with an OD of 3/8 inch and less and wall thickness of 0.035 inch and less, a minimum elongation of 30 percent is permitted.
A three inch section cut from the tubing shall not crack or show any flaws when flattened between parallel plates to three times the wall thickness of the tube.
Expansion Test
A section of tube approximately four inches in length with the ends burred shall withstand being expanded at one end over a polished tapered mandrel having an included angle of 60 degrees until the actual average inside diameter is increased 30 percent.  The expansion test shall be made in a die in order to restrict the expansion of 30 percent. The axis of the mandrel should be paralled to the axis of the tube during the expansion tests.
Tubing supplied under this specification shall have been tested at not less than 1,000 lbs. hydrostatic pressure or higher in case working conditions require.
Tubing shall be free from defects and in accordance with the best commercial practice.


(*NOTE* Additional tolerances available upon request)

Diameter ASTM Tolerances Typical PrecisionTolerances
1-1/2" and Under + 0" / - .0010" -0.0005" to -.0015"
Over 1-1/2" to Under 2" + 0" / - .0015" -0.0005" to -.0020"
2" to Under 2-1/2" + 0" / - .0015" -0.0005" to -.0020"
2-1/2" to Under and Incl. 3" + 0" / - .0020" -0.0005" to -.0025"
Over 3" to Under and Incl. 4" + 0" / - .0030" -0.0005" to -.0035"
Over 4" to Under and Incl. 6" + 0" / - .0040" -0.0005" to .0045"
Over  6" to Under and Incl. 10" + 0" / - .0050" +0" to -0.0050"